Humboldt Avenue, Roxbury

On February 18th, 2016, a mother and her 5 month old daughter were hit while trying to cross Humboldt Ave to a waiting vehicle, with the infant suffering fatal injuries. (While initial reports put it close to the bus stop, the crash occurred a bit further up the hill near Elbert Street). The Vision Zero Task Force visited the crash location on March 1st to make recommendations for any short and long term changes to the area that could improve safety.

Date of Crash
2/18/2016, approx. 8:45PM 

Date of Site Visit 

Near 77 Humboldt Ave, Roxbury

News coverage 
WCVB - "5-month-old dies after mother, baby hit by car in Roxbury"
WBUR - "5-Month-Old Hit By Car In Roxbury Dies"

Present at Site Visit
Boston Transportation Department - Planning 
Boston Police Department, including detectives that responded that evening to the crash 
Boston Public Health Commission 
Boston Cyclists Union


Photos from Site Visit 
IMG_4272.JPG IMG_4276.JPG IMG_4277.JPG IMG_4278.JPG IMG_4279.JPG IMG_4280.JPG IMG_4282.JPG IMG_4283.JPG 

Short term:

  • Find ways to reduce vehicle speed: Paint bike lanes and/or stripe the parking lanes to visually narrow the road. 
  • Improve lighting: some sections between street lights were very dark.

Longer term:

  • Create an island closer to the bus stop since there was no crosswalk at that location, either, and people cross to access the bus stop. An island in the road could help slow traffic and reduce crossing distance.
  • Shift parking lane out to create protected bike lane next to existing curb.

Improvements Completed 
As of 6/14/16, no changes have been made. Please send us photos/comments when you see changes so this page remains accurate.