Nassau Street, Boston

On April 23rd, 2016, a toddler, 2 year old Isabella Wu, was hit and killed by a private ambulance outside Tufts Medical Center on Nassau Street, a street that separates the medical center and a residential building.

The Vision Zero Task Force visited the crash location on May 3rd to make recommendations for any short and long term changes to the area that could improve safety.

Date of Crash
4/23/2016, approx. 1PM 

Date of Site Visit 

2 Nassau Street, Boston

News coverage 
UniversalHub - "Toddler struck and killed by private ambulance near Tufts Medical Center"
Boston Globe - "'Heartbroken' family identifies toddler killed by ambulance"

Present at Site Visit
Boston Transportation Department - Planning 
Boston Police Department 
Boston Public Health Commission 

Photos from Site Visit 
File_000.jpeg File_001.jpeg File_002.jpeg File_003.jpeg File_005.jpeg File_006.jpeg  Nassau2_copy.jpg

Short term:

  • Expand width of curbside parking outside apartment building by installing either flex posts or curbs that would enable safe access to driver side of vehicle. Would require removal of 4 - 5 metered parking spaces across the street in order to provide adequate width for travel lane. Nassau Street at pull in parking area is about 25 feet. Could assign 11-12 feet for curbside parking and 13-14 feet for travel lane.

Longer term:

  • Install speed table to reduce speed of moving vehicles 
  • Mount mirrors or sensors on ambulance so they can see what is low to the ground in front of them like a small child, similar to what is being proposed for Duck Boats. 

Improvements Completed 
As of 6/14/16, no changes have been made. Please send us photos/comments when you see changes so this page remains accurate.