Boston City Councilor District 4

Incumbents are indicated with *

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About the Candidate

Policy Proposals

Additional Questions

Andrea Campbell*
(pdf of answers)

Jeff Durham
(no answers submitted)

About the Candidate

1. How do you move around your community and get to where you need to go?

2. What is a particularly dangerous problem or location in your community for people walking, biking, taking transit, or for people with disabilities that you'd like to see addressed?

3. Why do you think people who care about walking, biking, transit, and mobility issues should vote for you?

Andrea Campbell

Councilor Campbell tends to drive to and from work. She and her family like to go on walks in their neighborhood in Mattapan, and also take the Red Line and Mattapan Trolley which serve their neighborhood.

An area in District 4 that Councilor Campbell is particularly focused on is the Blue Hill Avenue Corridor. With buses that are stuck in traffic, multi-lane car travel, inadequate cycling infrastructure, busy major intersections, double-parked vehicles, and sidewalks that make it difficult for people to walk or wheel safely across streets, there is much work to be done on and along Blue Hill Avenue. That is why Councilor Campbell is working with the Boston Transportation Department to look into ways to make Blue Hill Avenue a safer and more effective corridor for Bostonians to use.

Councilor Campbell has been an outspoken advocate of transit improvements in District 4. In particular, Councilor Campbell has been effective in advocating for “Neighborhood Slow Streets” infrastructural improvements in District 4, with 9 Slow Streets projects being funded in neighborhoods in District 4. These programs are concrete ways for the City to make our streets and sidewalks safer for everyone who uses them, in all the ways that they use them. Councilor Campbell is dedicated to continuing to push for these and many more improvements to our street infrastructure.


Policy Proposals

1. How will you ensure implementation of the infrastructure changes needed to slow traffic on your community's streets, and improve crosswalks and intersections to make them safer for people who are walking and using mobility assistive devices?

2. How will you improve the reach, frequency, and quality of public transit in Boston?

3. How will you ensure fast-tracked implementation of a city-wide network of off-street paths and protected bike lanes on major thoroughfares and connecting streets that are safe and comfortable for people of all ages and abilities?

Andrea Campbell

As was previously mentioned, Councilor Campbell is proud to have 9 Neighborhood Slow Streets programs in her District, and will continue to advocate for those programs to be funded in District 4, and to continue to support neighborhood groups who are applying to receive this funding.

There are many ways for the City to get involved to improve public transportation outside of the MBTA. Any study on improvements to the Blue Hill Avenue Corridor needs to look at ways to improve bus service. Blue Hill Ave is a backbone for District 4 and residents depend on it being safe and accessible.

Councilor Campbell has advocated, alongside her state house colleagues, to maintain and improve the Mattapan High Speed Trolley. The Mattapan Trolley is important for delivering fast and reliable service to from Ashmont Station to Mattapan Square, and to the neighborhoods along River Street in between.

Councilor Campbell will continue to support the development of safe off street paths and protected bike lanes in the City of Boston. The Neponset River Greenway in Councilor Campbell's neighborhood serves as a safe way for people not only to get exercise, but to get around their neighborhood while remaining almost entirely off street.


Additional Questions

Click on the categories below for the complete question asked. Click on any answer with a * for further explanation of the candidate's stance.

Do you support:

1. Vision Zero

1. Vision Zero is an approach which aims to eliminate traffic fatalities and serious injuries and has been adopted by Boston, Cambridge, and Somerville, and many other cities across the country. Do you support the principles of Vision Zero policies and funding for their rapid implementation?

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2. State law allowing automated enforcement

2. One key strategy that has been proven to effectively reduce speeding, improve safety, and remove racial bias in traffic enforcement in other states and countries is automated enforcement (i.e. speed cameras and red light cameras). Do you support S.1376, An Act relative to automated enforcement, which if passed would authorize cities and towns in Massachusetts to opt into the use of automated enforcement? To see the full text of the bill, visit

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3. Bike Network Plan

3. Do you support the implementation of improved bike facilities identified in your community’s Bike Network Plan or do you support the creation of a Bike Network Plan if none already exists?

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4. Age-friendly walking conditions

4. Do you support creating age-friendly walking conditions in your community -- an issue raised by many seniors as critical to their ability to 'age in community'? If yes, how?

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(more below)

Andrea Campbell

Strongly Support

Somewhat Support*

Andrea Campbell

While supportive of speed measuring signs that display mph which make motorists more likely to slow down, Councilor Campbell would want to make sure that there is is attention paid to making sure that automated endorsement is does not disproportionately effect poor communities and communities of color like those in her district.

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Strongly Support

Strongly Support


Do you support:

5. Restriction of parking for bus-only lanes

5. Do you support the restriction of on-street parking during rush hour in order to create dedicated bus lanes on certain major thoroughfares where bus riders experience significant delays due to traffic congestion?

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6. New revenue sources

6. Do you support exploring new ways of raising revenue to provide Boston with more tools to improve conditions for people walking, using mobility assistive devices, biking, and using public transit (e.g. increasing the gas tax, implementing congestion pricing, increasing fees on Uber/Lyft)? If yes, please give examples that interest you.

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7. Dynamic parking meter pricing

7. Do you support the rollout of dynamic parking meter pricing in business districts, which would increase meter rates during periods of increased demand, to free up on-street parking and reduce cars "cruising" for open spaces?

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8. Traffic signal timing that prioritizes people walking

8. Boston has many traffic signals that do not work well for pedestrians. Do you support making signal timing safer, easier, and more convenient for people walking and using mobility assistive devices at all paces?

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(more below)

Andrea Campbell

Strongly Support

Strongly Support

Strongly Support

Strongly Support


Do you support:

9. Charging for residential parking permits

9. Do you support charging an annual fee for residential parking permits?

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10. Reducing/ eliminating MBTA fares

10. Do you support reducing or eliminating MBTA fares for people with low income?

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11. Ensuring large-scale developments are walkable, resilient, green, and connected

11. Do you support ensuring large-scale developments (including Sullivan Square, the Allston I-90 Interchange, and Suffolk Downs) incorporate the community's desire for walkability, connectivity, open space, and resiliency?

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Andrea Campbell

Strongly Support*

Andrea Campbell

The Councilor would want to make sure that there is not a disproportionate financial impact on low-income communities across the city.

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Strongly Support

Strongly Support



About the Candidate

1. How do you move around your community and get to where you need to go?
Andrea Campbell
Councilor Campbell tends to drive to and from work. She and her family like to go on walks in their neighborhood in Mattapan, and also take the Red Line and Mattapan Trolley which serve their neighborhood.
2. What is a particularly dangerous problem or location in your community for people walking, biking, taking transit, or for people with disabilities that you’d like to see addressed?
Andrea Campbell
D6 is fortunate to contain a sizable portion of the SW Corridor, which includes 5 mi of bike/walking trails. However, some areas in the district benefit less from this & similar resources due to a lack of infrastructural connectivity. Wash & Centre Sts in WR have been particularly dangerous to non-motorists, & I am committed to implementing traffic calming measures to ensure non-motorists of all modes/abilities are safe. After a horrific crash which resulted in the death of a pedestrian, I've been working w/the community, BTD, & businesses in making Centre St. safer through a redesign process.
3. Why do you think people who care about walking, biking, transit, and mobility issues should vote for you?
Andrea Campbell
I've earned the vote of those concerned about mobility & walkability issues based on my record of smart advocacy, from neighborhood slow streets to expanding micromobility. On top of this, I pride myself on my constituent service & accessibility w/in the n'hood. I've been an outspoken advocate in expanding BlueBikes, lead sponsor of bringing e-scooters to Boston (with responsible oversight), called on the state/MBTA to increase funding & provide service upgrades, & made pedestrian safety my top priority. I am currently working on a proposed major redesign of Centre which includes a road diet.

Policy Proposals

1. How will you ensure implementation of the infrastructure changes needed to slow traffic on your community’s streets, and improve crosswalks and intersections to make them safer for people who are walking and using mobility assistive devices?
Andrea Campbell
As was previously mentioned, Councilor Campbell is proud to have 9 Neighborhood Slow Streets programs in her District, and will continue to advocate for those programs to be funded in District 4, and to continue to support neighborhood groups who are applying to receive this funding.
2. How will you improve the reach, frequency, and quality of public transit in Boston?
Andrea Campbell
"There are many ways for the City to get involved to improve public transportation outside of the MBTA. Any study on improvements to the Blue Hill Avenue Corridor needs to look at ways to improve bus service. Blue Hill Ave is a backbone for District 4 and residents depend on it being safe and accessible. Councilor Campbell has advocated, alongside her state house colleagues, to maintain and improve the Mattapan High Speed Trolley. The Mattapan Trolley is important for delivering fast and reliable service to from Ashmont Station to Mattapan Square, and to the neighborhoods along River Street in between."
3. How will you ensure fast-tracked implementation of a city-wide network of off-street paths and protected bike lanes on major thoroughfares and connecting streets that are safe and comfortable for people of all ages and abilities?
Andrea Campbell
Councilor Campbell will continue to support the development of safe off street paths and protected bike lanes in the City of Boston. The Neponset River Greenway in Councilor Campbell's neighborhood serves as a safe way for people not only to get exercise, but to get around their neighborhood while remaining almost entirely off street.

Additional Questions

1. Vision Zero is an approach which aims to eliminate traffic fatalities and serious injuries and has been adopted by Boston, Cambridge, and Somerville, and many other cities across the country. Do you support the principles of Vision Zero policies and funding for their rapid implementation?
Andrea Campbell
Strongly Support
2. One key strategy that has been proven to effectively reduce speeding, improve safety, and remove racial bias in traffic enforcement in other states and countries is automated enforcement (i.e. speed cameras and red light cameras). Do you support S.1376, An Act relative to automated enforcement, which if passed would authorize cities and towns in Massachusetts to opt into the use of automated enforcement? To see the full text of the bill, go here.
Andrea Campbell
Strongly Support
3. Do you support implementation of all of the Better Bike Corridors and other bike projects in the Go Boston 2030 Plan, and making sure all short-term projects are planned and implemented within three years, and long-term projects are implemented by or before 2030?
Andrea Campbell
Strongly Support
4. Do you support creating age-friendly walking conditions in your community -- an issue raised by many seniors as critical to their ability to “age in community”? If yes, how?
Andrea Campbell
Strongly Support
5. Do you support the restriction of on-street parking during rush hour in order to create dedicated bus lanes on certain major thoroughfares where bus riders experience significant delays due to traffic congestion?
Andrea Campbell
Strongly Support
6. Do you support exploring new ways of raising revenue to provide Boston with more tools to improve conditions for people walking, using mobility assistive devices, biking, and using public transit (e.g. increasing the gas tax, implementing congestion pricing, increasing fees on Uber/Lyft)? If yes, please give examples that interest you.
Andrea Campbell
Strongly Support
7. Do you support the rollout of dynamic parking meter pricing in business districts, which would increase meter rates during periods of increased demand, to free up on-street parking and reduce cars “cruising” for open spaces?
Andrea Campbell
Strongly Support
8. Boston has many traffic signals that do not work well for pedestrians. Do you support making signal timing safer, easier, and more convenient for people walking and using mobility assistive devices at all paces?
Andrea Campbell
Strongly Support
9. Do you support charging an annual fee for residential parking permits?
Andrea Campbell
Neither Support nor Oppose
The Councilor would want to make sure that there is not a disproportionate financial impact on low-income communities across the city.
10. Do you support reducing or eliminating MBTA fares for people with low income?
Andrea Campbell
Strongly Support
11. Do you support ensuring large-scale developments (including Sullivan Square, the Allston I-90 Interchange, and Suffolk Downs) incorporate the community's desire for walkability, connectivity, open space, and resiliency?
Andrea Campbell
Strongly Support