Whether you have lost a friend or family member in a crash or suffered a serious injury, your world is changed. Sadly, you are not alone.
We have compiled these resources, using our shared experiences and input from families in Massachusetts who have lost a loved one. Note that we are not attorneys and this guide is not meant to supplant legal advice. We welcome your suggestions and ideas.
If we can assist you in any way, or if you would like additional information about our organization, please contact us at [email protected].
We are so sorry you need this information, but we hope you find it useful. No one should have to go through this alone.
After a Crash
"What to Do When You're Hit by A Car" by Laura Bliss at CityLab (May 22, 2015)
"If You Crash..." by Lauren LeClaire at MassBike (August 2016)
"What to do if you're hit by a car while riding your bike" by Greg Hanscom at Grist.org (September 23, 2014)
"How to Report a Car-Bike/Ped Crash" by Carol A. Wood
"Five Important Considerations After Your Crash" - adapted from the Families for Safe Streets NYC Resource Guide
Legal Assistance
Massachusetts Office for Victim Assistance
Emotional Support
Center for Homicide Bereavement
RoadPeace: Resources and Guides