On November 4th, two women crossing Tremont Street in a crosswalk were hit by a person driving a SUV; both women were transported to the hospital, where one died from her injuries. The other woman hit suffered non-life-threatening injuries. The Vision Zero Task Force visited the crash location on November 6th to make recommendations for any short and long term changes to the area that could improve safety.
Date of Crash
11/4/2015, 3:30PM
Date of Site Visit
Tremont Street and West Brookline St, Boston
News coverage
MyFoxBoston - "1 woman killed, another injured in South End crash"
Boston Globe - "One person dies after being struck by car in South End"
CBS Boston - "Woman dies after being struck by car in South End crosswalk"
Present at Site Visit
Chief of Streets
Boston Transportation Department - Planning
Boston Transportation Department - Operations
Boston Police Department
Boston Public Health Commission
Toole Design Group
Photos from Site Visit
No photos from this visit.
Short term:
- Add additional signage and pavement markings to make the crosswalk more visible
- Add in-street "State Law - Yield to Pedestrians" sign
- Create pedestrian refuge island in middle of street using paint and flex posts
Longer term:
- Road diet - one lane in each direction with a middle turning lane at intersections
Improvements Completed
By end of the day on 11/6/15, additional signage was added.
@rightlegpegged update: in street state law yield sign now in place where it was marked this AM; arrow signs added pic.twitter.com/QULKiqQcUZ
— WalkBoston (@WalkBoston) November 7, 2015
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